Panel 1 – A glance at ‘Beyond-5G’

Chairs: Valerio Frascolla (Intel)Johann M. Marquez-Barja (imec)



The telecommunication ecosystem has been working hard recently to finally define the system architecture and the new features that will compose the first 5G networks, i.e. the so-called 3GPP 5G Phase 1 (Rel.15, just finished) and 3GPP 5G Phase 2 (Rel.16, to be finalized before 2020). Still, it is possible to foresee enhancements to the system architecture and additional features that have not yet been taken into consideration. For example the usage of bands above 100GHz that lead towards THz communications, guaranteed E2E latency not exceeding the 1ms threshold, ubiquitous and seamless connectivity among different access strata and technologies, wireless and optical seamless integration, and reconfigurable communication hardware, just to mention a few topics. This panel gathers international recognized experts in order to discuss the most recent advances in the so called Beyond-5G technologies and to provide insights on future trends, as well as to engage with the audience on an open and forward-looking discussion.



  • Dr. Jorge Pereira (EC DG CONNECT) – Opening talk
  • Prof. Sofie Polin (KU Leuven)
  • Prof. Jens Zander (KTH)
  • Prof. Claudio Paoloni (Lancaster University)
  • Prof. Ivan Seskar (Rutgers University)